Curriculum Overview
Depending on what option you choose (3 consecutive days, 2 sessions of 1.5 days or one 4 hour session per week for 8 weeks) we organize what will be covered accordingly. Please note that depending on the inner-view study and session objective, this may change slightly to align with the desired outcomes your team articulated.
The reality vs the story of the inherited past
- Individual introductions designed to build the background of relatedness.
- A high level of coachability provides the permission to coach everyone.
- Forms of conversations are revealed illustrating the ones that move things forward.
- Domain of knowledge takes into account what we already know.
- Automatic way of listening reveals where one actually listens from.
- Foreground/background conversations are brought to the surface.
- Integrity is introduced and deepened throughout the session rollout.
- Current reality (facts) and the evaluations, judgments and conclusions are beginning to exist distinct from one another.
Completing the past
- Wheel of Misfortune is a useful distinction to uncollapse a distorted reality and move something forward with velocity.
- The culture of the company is revealed.
- Rackets (past based) are revealed freeing up energy and power.
- Fundamental Operating Principle (past based) is revealed.
- Completion versus incompletion (finish) is distinguished and applied.
- Past era acknowledged as it is.
- Declaring the past complete.
- What looks impossible at the company?
A new context and new beginning state
- Organizational context for the new era for sustainable superior performance.
- Coming from a future versus going towards the future (new beginning state).
- The Language of Leadership is introduced.
- Create Ground-breaking Principles for being a High-Performance Leadership Team such as responsibility, trust, integrity and accountability
- Alignment on a way of working together going forward.
- Powerfully complete the session.